Web3 Project Verification

Increase trust and avoid fake accounts!

There is an opportunity for the Web3 projects to get a verification tick and add their name by filling in the form.

Benefits of Sociogram Verification:

  1. Avoiding fake accounts and increasing trust

  2. Cross-promo opportunities

  3. No extra charges for verification

How to verify the Web3 Project?

  1. Connect your wallet and click the "Edit" button.

  2. You'll find the Name tab that will redirect you to the application form

  1. The verification process takes up to 7 days. The Sociogram team will contact you regarding the further flow and cross-promo.

  2. After verification, the Name field will be activated and you'll be able to enter the name of your Web3 project. πŸ“Once the name is given, it cannot be edited. If you need to make changes, please contact support@sociogram.org.

Last updated